Psychologists have to provide services for years (3,000 hours) to patients before receiving full licensure and in this time they undergo a rigorous clinical training. Some patients have reported that …
What are a person’s softest habits, on average?
When calculating either the mean or the median weakest average habits of millions of individuals who participated in habits testing, the weakest habits were innovation and propensity to change. What …
Who is embracing the changes AI automation and robotics will bring with the most optimism?
People who live in the least developed countries are, and this makes sense, because the least developed countries are projected to see the most positive change and increase in standard …
Financial Psychology
Most specialized training systems around personal finance and budgeting assume that if an individual is provided with tools and information, they will then make the best choices for their investments …
Ego Strength
Our position of ego strength has five basic pillars. The first pillar is the strength we draw spiritually… “God is my strength.”. The second is financial… “Can I afford to …
The Psychology of Learning
Some people have a resistance to learning. Research so far has been unable to determine why that is. Some learn slowly, but retain their knowledge well. Some learn quickly, …
Employee Engagement
What does an engaged employee look like? They have a positive association with the company, they assist with problems they have solutions for, even if it’s outside their department. They …
Onboarding- Making a Person a Part of a Team
New hires almost always experience exclusion, the feeling of being a stranger, feeling like the other members of the team don’t really want them there, and sometimes even hostility. When …
Working With Teams
There are hundreds of theories and many research studies in the field of organizational psychology on working with teams. A lot of these studies have found trust building to be …
Levels of Injury and Stacking
In the system of coaching I use, we recognize five levels of injury. Sometimes a traumatic experience or witnessing a traumatic event are what causes our injury, or it could …