Who is embracing the changes AI automation and robotics will bring with the most optimism?

People who live in the least developed countries are, and this makes sense, because the least developed countries are projected to see the most positive change and increase in standard of living, with services easily affordable and possibly free, once they are no longer provided by human labor. In fact, the more developed a country is, the more negative and resistant to these changes in technology the average citizen is, with the United States having among the most negative responses of all and the highest percentage of pessimism and fear. I am seeing this a lot in my work when introducing new technology to businesses or employees. This reaction is not unfounded, as the United States is a service economy that took that a step further and outsourced many of its’ service jobs to other countries. More people are likely to work providing a service here, and those are the sectors that will be hit the hardest by layoffs as these new technologies come to market. Countries with economies like ours are projected to see a decrease in standard of living as a result, while people in other parts of the world are looking forward to the new opportunities the technology will bring them. I enjoy helping someone come out of their avoidance and work through and process their fear and sadness, so they can shift to looking for any new opportunities that might be available for them as well.

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