What is outplacement?

Outplacement is a gentler word for being laid off from one’s job. A small percentage of individuals will view a lay-off as a positive opportunity and feel optimistic that they will be moving on to an even better work situation. More often a lay-off is devastating, and is correlated with depression and even suicide. If circumstances in your business make it necessary to reduce your workforce, I recommend professional outplacement services. Through career testing and coaching I can help your employees chart a course to a career they can thrive in. Research shows many bad outcomes for businesses that don’t plan carefully for outplacement, such as loss of future business from the bad association with the layoffs. Each outplacement affects an average of ten other individuals in that employee’s sphere of influence. And, other employees who are not laid off could fear that they might be next and leave for another job if they’re able. Transparent communication with remaining staff is essential.

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